
Pleasde welcome to the next 3rd Battalion Commander, Colonel Douglas Reagan.

Congradulation on your post……..

Brigadier General Oliver Savander SR
OIC Second Brigade


Ladies and Gentlemen  of the Corps

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I am
no longer going to be in Valdosta
on a daily basis at this time.  Therefore,
I will be mailing
Quartermaster items probably only once a week in an
attempt to save
money. It is a 50 mile round trip for me to go to the
Valdosta post
office and I don’t trust the Madison Post Office which is 25 miles round
trip.  Therefore, I ask your understanding if your quartermaster
are a few days later than you expect.  Also I will be out of town for

the next 5 days, there will be no shipments made during that

Thank you for your patience;
Linda Olson
SFMC Quartermaster